About Us

Cadillac Area Land Conservancy

About Us

The natural areas at the heart of Michigan — the rivers, lakes, forests and open spaces — are what make our region so special.

Whether you own a home, cottage, business, or simply love the beauty of the area, you know how important our environment is to our quality of life.

Finding a healthy balance between development and the need to protect the scenic beauty and natural integrity of our area is essential.  This is what Cadillac Area Land Conservancy (CALC) is all about.

Our Mission

To protect natural, scenic, and farm lands for current and future generations, and foster an appreciation for the environment in Missaukee, Osceola, Wexford, and northern Lake and Mason counties.

Our Vision

CALC envisions a future where significant amounts of forest, productive farmlands, and ecologically diverse wildlife, plants, and water resources are deeply valued and safeguarded, ensuring the preservation of our community’s quality of life.

We Protect Land

Since its inception in 1995, the Cadillac Area Land Conservancy (CALC) has been serving people — those here today, who have the foresight to preserve special places — and those of future generations, who will benefit from our endeavors.

Building on our commitments to land preservation CALC has:

  • Worked with property owners to protect over 2,800 acres of natural, scenic, and farm lands through conservation easements on private lands. These lands will remain preserved forever.
  • Acquired four preserves open to the public to explore.
  • Conducted annual monitoring and stewardship of easement properties with ongoing perpetual commitment.
  • Coordinated with state, federal and local agencies to identify priority “wildlife corridors” for establishing future easements.
  • Conducted community outreach for education and advancing land stewardship now and for future generations.