Oliver Preserve Snowshoe Hike
Please join us at the Oliver Preserve on January 15th at 6:30 for the annual snowshoe hike. Please call 815.871.8705 with any questions.
2021 Annual Meeting
OCTOBER 3, 2021 @ 2:00 PM CARL T. JOHNSON HUNT & FISH CENTER 6087 M-115, CADILLAC, MI 49601 Author of Saving Arcadia, a narrative nonfiction book about Great Lakes land conservation that’s been called a “page-turning environmental action thriller.” Saving Arcadia has won state and national awards including: Michigan Notable Book Award, Eric Hoffer Award […]
2020 Annual Meeting Date
You are invited to attend CALC’s Annual Meeting & Special Program: Wild Fall Mushrooms in Michigan. Sunday, October 4th, 2020 3:00 PM at the Caberfae Ski Club 1 Caberfae Lane, Cadillac, MI 49601 Guest Speaker: Brad West Learn how to identify mushrooms Find where mushrooms grow and what trees are best to investigate Learn how […]
CALC 2019 Annual Meeting Attracted Age-Diverse Crowd
Debra-Ann Brabazon from the United States Forest Service gave an inspiring presentation entitled “Engaging Community in Sustainability.” The community Debra-Ann has been inspiring is the CHS Ecology Club & Junior Rangers, a group of young adults who have participated in many environmental improvement projects. The presentation also gave the audience information on bats and what […]
2019 Annual Meeting Date Announced
The public is invited to an informative and fun annual meeting on October 10, 2019, at 6:00 PM. We will be visiting bat houses on the CALC Johnson Nature Preserve because of our chance of seeing bats increases by viewing them at dusk. Before that guided excursion there will be a short business […]
CALC Preserve in Statewide Magazine

The Michigan History July/August 2019 issue featured CALC’s own Waldeck Island Nature Preserve.
Vacant Land for Sale
This vacant land is for sale and was given to Cadillac Area Land Conservancy from the estate of Deborah Kohn for CALC to sell it as a way to sustain our organization. Debra had put a conservation easement on it, with CALC as the responsible party for enforcing the terms of the easement. Please refer […]
June 15th You Can Make A Neighborhood Preserve A Nicer Place To Visit
The morning of 6/15/19 you are invited to make a difference in a CALC nature preserve. The Carl T. Johnson CALC Nature Preserve on S. 33 Road needs a spring facelift and your capable hands can make the difference. If you saw our recent newsletter you know that Will Gullekson and his Boy Scout troop […]
Clam River Cleanup
There will be a Clam River cleanup on May 11th and we are looking for volunteers. Meet at the Cadillac Junior High School at 8:30. The cleanup of the Clam River from Lake Cadillac to Boon Road should end around noon. Details When: Saturday, May 11th Where: Clam River – Lake Cadillac to Boon Road […]
Cadillac’s Earth Day Celebration
Mark your calendar now! Cadillac Area Land Conservancy invites you to join us at the 2019 Earth Day Celebration. Stroll in the park by the lake with like-minded folks and celebrate spring. It is Sunday, April 28th in City Park from 1-4:00. Please go to this link to find out more. http://www.cadillacearthday.org/ CALC will have […]