Environmental News

Give to Preserve - Help to Protect - Commit to Defend

Consider a Foundation Donation

Photo by Jason Rydquist

The endowment fund for the Conservancy at the Cadillac Area Community Foundation provides funds for the future protection of our easements.

An endowment is a fund where the principal (gifts to the fund) is never spent; only the growth on the fund is distributed. Endowments to this fund allow the Cadillac Area land Conservancy to provide responsible stewardship now and into the future.

The Cadillac Area Community Foundation offers:

  • Services that allow the endowment to serve the organization and the community in perpetuity
  • Donors the ability to direct their gifts to provide for the future of the Cadillac Area Land Conservancy (CALC).
  • Pooled investments with the potential for higher rates of return
  • Knowledgeable staff who can educate donors about the purpose and promise of the fund

If you would like to help protect the land and enjoy the tax benefits of foundation giving, contact:

Cadillac Area Community Foundation
201 North Mitchell Street, Suite 101
Cadillac, Michigan 49601
Phone (231) 775-9911

Or, you may visit their website at www.cadillacfoundation.org