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July 26, 2024

Protecting the Places that Matter

The natural areas at the heart of Michigan — the rivers, lakes,forests and open spaces — are what make our region so special. Whether you own a home, cottage, business, or simply love the beauty of the area, you know how important our environment is to our quality of life. Finding a healthy balance between development and the need to protect the scenic beauty and natural integrity of our area is essential.  This is what Cadillac Area Land Conservancy (CALC) is all about. Learn more... … [Read more...]

Consider a Foundation Donation

The endowment fund for the Conservancy at the Cadillac Area Community Foundation provides funds for the future protection of our easements. An endowment is a fund where the principal (gifts to the fund) is never spent; only the growth on the fund is distributed. Endowments to this fund allow the Cadillac Area land Conservancy to provide responsible stewardship now and into the future. The Cadillac Area Community Foundation offers: Services that allow the endowment to serve the organization … [Read more...]

We Need YOU!

Do you have some extra time? Are you looking for a worthy cause? The CALC Board of Directors is seeking two people to serve three-year terms. We hope to find people with skills and abilities who can bring their life experiences to this working board. One vacancy is for a Marketing/Promotional position to assist CALC in fundraising and capacity building in our four-county service area. This includes educational outreach as we are putting together public presentation materials for special events. … [Read more...]

Need a Guest Speaker?

Is your organization looking for a guest speaker? CALC would love to come and talk about wildlife corridors and our mission. Please contact our offices at (231) 775-3631. … [Read more...]

CALC Location a Winner

Have you seen the CALC office? We are in the Masonic Temple Building, above Atomic Closet (formerly The Apple Tree) on the corner of Mitchell and Beech Streets. The Clam Lake Masonic Lodge is very good to us. The lodge is part of the “oldest and largest fraternal organization in the world. Making good men better under the brotherhood of man by the fatherhood of God.” The lodge’s projects include juvenile diabetes, student-learning centers for dyslexia and speech pathology, Beacon Project of vol … [Read more...]