Environmental News

Give to Preserve - Help to Protect - Commit to Defend

Join Us for Caring for God’s Creation August 21

CALC-Logo_no_words-Jun-11The Cadillac Area Land Conservancy invites people of faith to spend an afternoon enjoying the wonders of God’s Creation, hearing why Christians have a special responsibility to take care of the earth and learning ways to be good stewards of the environment.


Join us for

Caring for God’s Creation

3:00 – 6:00p.m., August 21st

Robert Borak Easement (map below)

11380 W. County Line Rd., Mesick


Special Speaker—Fred Vandyke, Executive Director of the Au Sable Institute, former professor of environmental science will be our speaker. Fred is co-author

of the book, Redeeming Creation: The Biblical Basis for Environmental Stewardship. His latest book is Between Heaven and Earth: Christian Perspectives on Environmental Protection.

Other Activities—Guided walks on wooded trails, observing plantings done to encourage wildlife and talking about conservation planning.

Refreshments will be served

Thanks to the Robert Borak Family for hosting this event.

Borak Event Flyer 2016 Map