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July 27, 2024

CALC’s 2017 Annual Event Well Attended

It was a rainy, cold day for the scheduled tour of the Harris easement, but turnout was excellent for the bear presentation by Vern Richardson of the DNR Wildlife Division, which preceded the tour. Vern described many aspects of black bears in northern Michigan. The audience learned a lot, with the recurring theme that a bear’s main interest is food, food, food. CALC works on keeping land undeveloped so that bears have unobstructed corridors to travel as they look for that food. One such p … [Read more...]

“A Little Dab’ll do Ya!”

At the Carl T. Johnson Nature Preserve If you remember the Brylcreem advertising jingle from the 1950’s, you remember a little dab of hair cream was all men needed to look so debonair! In our case, a tiny little dab is all that was needed to kill the roots of autumn olive that had infiltrated the Carl T. Johnson Nature Preserve. Years ago autumn olive plants were introduced on the Preserve. The plant then took over so aggressively that other plant species didn’t have a chance to thrive.  Ou … [Read more...]

Three local artists at Waldeck Island

Jane, Mary, and Elaine are local artists that spent a warm October morning drawing at Waldeck Island Nature Preserve. They set up within the wildlife viewing platform. While there, they spotted an eagle and herons to add to their artwork. … [Read more...]

JOIN OUR CELEBRATION! Saturday, October 14, 1:30-4:00

Want to learn more about Black Bears before the Annual Meeting? https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/MIDNR/bulletins/1b59c87 CALC protects over 2,000 acres of land with easements JOIN OUR CELEBRATION! Hope to see you Saturday, October 14, 1:30-4:00! Fellowship Hall, Cherry Grove Church of the Nazarene, 8450 S. 29 Road, Cadillac (corner of M-5S west and South 29 Road) Featuring a bear talk by a speaker from the DNR and tours of the new Harris easement. This year Tom and Marguerite … [Read more...]

Harrietta Blueberry Festival Update

Here is a photo of those that came for the tour during the festival. Original Post: You're invited to visit CALC's booth at the Harrietta Blueberry Festival Saturday, August 5, 2017.  For details follow this link.http://www.cadillacmichigan.com/events/4/1066/ CALC will be offering guided tours of the Oliver Family Nature Preserve at 10:00 and 2:00 that day. http://calc-landtrust.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/Topomapprint.jpg … [Read more...]

Oliver Family Preserve: Flowers Need a Drink

Ann Kahner planted lovely flowers by the bench honoring her relatives. The bench is a short jaunt to the left of the main trail-head and overlooks the creek. If you happen by, please give the beautiful blooms a drink! Thank you! … [Read more...]

Update on the Oliver Family Preserve in Harrietta

Wildflowers and Native Grasses Planted at the entrance of the Oliver Family Preserve in Harrietta Thanks to Tom Anderson and Bob Hess for planting wildflowers, native grasses and other plants known as carriers. This mixture of seeds has the name of "Pheasant Forever" mixture and is good for harboring wildlife. The land had to have much work done in order to get to the point of planting. However it will be much more pleasing to the eye for those that drive … [Read more...]

Carl T. Johnson Nature Preserve

The Cadillac Area Land Conservancy (CALC) now owns the 40 acres formerly owned by Carl T. Johnson on 33 Road just past Benson Road. There was a meeting at the township hall last July that explained that for healthy forests there had to be a selective timber cut that would temporarily make things look worse before it got better. Currently Cherry Grove resident, Steve Kalisz of Old School Forestry, is supervising the topwood removal. This is a labor intensive process that prevents the public … [Read more...]

Oliver Family Preserve in Harrietta – Need Volunteer?

We've made improvements to the Oliver Family Preserve in Harrietta that will make your trip there much more pleasant!  As you know, we have carved out a trail almost a half mile long with super water views much of the way. We spent hours pulling up roots and stumps that were tripping hazards. There are steps on both sides of the bridge over the Slagle Creek tributary.  A bench donated by Ann Kahner overlooks this Slagle Creek tributary (located to the left of the new parking lot). It was pr … [Read more...]

Kohn Family Nature Preserve

The Cadillac Area Land Conservancy has been given another important piece of property that is now open as a public nature preserve — the Kohn Family Nature Preserve. This 22 acre area includes 4,300 feet of the Manistee River shoreline.  (The river is listed as a special, unique area in the Wexford County Master plan.)  It’s an unbroken natural area, a canoe resting place and a forested scenic backdrop for hikers using the North Country Scenic Trail.  Not only scenic, the property is a natural ha … [Read more...]